$10 Donation for Ahmed’s Camel – Purchased
This morning I received this request from Ahmed, the amazing young man Murray met in Senegal last year, and whom we get our beautiful Tuareg jewellery from.
He writes: “These pieces belongs to an old lady from the village who has had it for 30 years, the old jewelry once belonged to her mother who had it as an inheritance. So it’s very historical old work.
Today she gave this to me to find her a buyer, because she lost her only camel during the past floods and now she wants to buy another camel by selling her old jewelry. It was with this camel that she fed and gave milk to her children! If you are interested, this is an important and very meaningful item to have.
The jewelry costs $500 because the camel also costs $500.”
If anyone would like to buy any of these pieces , please make me an offer. I would certainly love to send more than $500 to this lady before Christmas. Maybe we could buy 2 camels !
Out of stock